Halo halo...
Sori baru join forum sekarang hehe
ok,let me introduce myself:
emmm...I think with my nick ST2, clappers' members will know who I am as it was also my nick in our class hehe
hmm bisa dibilang jg kembaran nya ate, walaupun lain parents nya haha yg suka buat guru baru bingung( nama depan n belakang sama alias exactly the same, no difference in even a letter haha)
Currently, wa enrolled in NTU(not Nat'l taiwan univ) major in CBC alias Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
Roommate : Murniiii....
Hobby : tidur and nonton haha
Favorite food : tomyam yong tau foo and fried fish bee hoon can 13(skrg, ntar ga tau deh)
ok deh
sekian dulu introduction nya...
xie xie..sori kalo kepanjangan n bahasa nya es CAMPUR haha...
c ya...